Scarlett’s already been popping up all over my news feed because she is the daughter of one of my best friends but I thought it was time for her blog! I’ve known Scarlett’s mum for about 6/7 years now. Since then, both of our lives have been on fast forward and we’ve both come out of long term relationships, started new ones, got married and had babies! I think if you’d have told us that back then we never would have believed you but I honestly feel so lucky to have Tanya in my life. She is an amazing woman who’s been through so much and has managed to come out of the other side as a kind, loving person who treats everyone she meets like royalty.
Last September Tanya had Scarlett and since then she’s been one of Little Primrose Photography’s most used models! Scarlett has a fantastic personality. She is smiles and giggles her way through life but also has this magic way of pulling a deadly serious facial expression followed by a completely crazy one!
As soon as she turned 6 months I was desperate to get Scarlett into the studio for a sitter session. We dressed her up in some gorgeous sitter outfits that I’ve had specially made for my babies and adorned her in pearls and flowers!
Sitter sessions are probably one of my favourite sessions to shoot as babies have developed their own personality and they look fantastic dressed up in cute little outfits and accessories.
If you’d like to see more details and examples of my sitter sessions check out my sitters page.
Contact me if you’d like to book your own!