Baby photography – Sandbach, Cheshire – Baby Lucas


Baby Lucas from Nantwich, Cheshire

“When my baby is sleeping, that’s when I think….

Wow, I made that!”

-Maria Jose Ovalle

I met Lucas’s mum, Amy, at the Little Munchkin’s Market in Nantwich while she was still pregnant with Lucas. It turned out she was the lucky winner of my prize draw which meant a free shoot and free print!

When Lucas was born Amy booked in with her extended family in tow – her own little boy, husband and step daughter. What a STUNNING family they are!

Lucas was a brilliant little super star who slept the majority of the session. His beanbag poses took a little bit of extra settling but he was happy to pose with his brother and sister for as many photos as I wanted to take!

Here’s some highlights from the shoot. I personally adore the serene image of mum holding Lucas, so beautiful.

If you’d like to see more of my newborn work, please click here.

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